Federal Ministry of Food and Agriculture
Booth number: 70A
About us
The BMEL's main aims include promoting a balanced, healthy diet and safe foods, ensuring that everyday goods are safe, assisting in the development of clear consumer rights and helping to ensure that the agricultural sector is strong and able to perform the duties required of it.
In our globablised world central political topics take on increasing international importance. This also applies to the BMEL areas of activity. The BMEL assumes a range of tasks in conjunction with negotiations and decisions within the European Union on agriculture, consumer policy or food as well as on questions of international co-operation like for instance global food, dismantling barriers in international trade, opening up new markets and, last but not least, good bilateral relations with countries on all continents.
This work is supported by the BMEL staff in German embassies and representations across the globe.
Federal Ministry of Food and Agriculture (BMEL)
PO Box 14 02 70
53107 Bonn
Phone: +49 228 995294307
Fax: +49 228 995294538
PO Box 14 02 70
53107 Bonn